01 September, 2010

The Push Continues

So after all my excitement of pushing into the Silver division and how excellent that would be, I have a confession. I'm still in Bronze. By the time I had finished pushing, I was ranked 2nd in my division and only 40 or so points from 1st. Not too shabby, I think to myself.

Then Blizzard's match-making system decides it's been far to lenient with me. Enter in matches against Gold-level players. These were definitely not games I was used to playing, but I think I did well; I did lose a few but I also won a few. It did, however, seem to wreck my focus and I lost more than I cared to. And then the unspeakable happened.

I came downstairs the next morning to find my computer off. How odd, I thought. I powered the beast on and went to eat some breakfast. Cheerios, if anyone would care to know. After which, I returned to find my computer's screen dark with only a single line of text displayed: "Err1Err3".

A corrupted boot record. Super. Out comes the recovery disk and in it goes.

Fixed. Awesome.

No, not awesome. Upon Windows starting up, Explorer immediately crashes. Every time. Sob.

A corrupted Windows install and a hard drive that is slowly losing its mind.

But now we're back in business thanks to a new drive and a copy of Windows 7(shudder). Nothing horrible was lost and SC2 seems to like Windows 7 just fine.

So now back to the push, right? It seems in my absence, I have slipped to 4th on the list and am over 100 pts from 1st. Not terrible, but not nearly as happy a spot as I was in prior to my electron apocalypse. Oh well, I guess it's back into the trenches for me. This Silver division better be amazing.

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