21 August, 2010

Where I'm coming from

I didn't think I would like Starcraft 2.

I played Starcraft, the original, for a total of a day when it launched and dismissed it as a Warcraft II clone with lasers instead of swords. I didn't particularly like WC2 either, other than the occasional multiplayer with friends. Perhaps I wasn't at the right point in my life to appreciate RTS games or perhaps I simply had other things to do. I don't really know.

After being addicted to WoW since its vanilla release but eventually souring to it after playing the WotLK expansion, I hungered for something new and different. Enter Starcraft 2.

Engaging, with enough story to keep me interested, and most importantly, missions that rarely able to be reduced to "build your base. kill the enemy base.". Admittedly, the zerg colonies would usually die in the process, but that is very rarely the central purpose of the missions. This was one of my hang ups about earlier RTS games.

So that is where I come from. Here is where I am right now. I have completed the single player campaign on Normal(yeah, I know, big achievement) and am now pushing through it again on Brutal with an eye on getting achievements. I am becoming more and more engrossed with league play, even though I am sitting at #29 in my Bronze-level division, but I am learning.

I'll be venting my frustrations about my matches, my thoughts on the game, and keeping updates on where I am in the battle.net ladder, so if that interests you, keep coming back. If not, well, you can still keep coming back.

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